This is the Whey !

This is the Whey !
2 min readApr 15, 2021

My name is Mike, I live in Canterbury, UK and I love cheese. I find the current world to be an anxious place to live in and that cheese and cheese related things help me cope with it.

The blog aims to cover a variety of cheese related topics, cheese, milk, cheese makers, cheese events, equipment and so on but not all sections will be represented each month. The purpose of this blog is not to educate (there are others far more knowledgeable than I) but to share my love of all things related cheese.

I would like to mention from the start some of the values this blog aims to follow:

1. * Positivity — there will be no negative, derogatory, insulting, or hurtful comments. There is enough negativity in the world today for me to add to it. No product will be put down or criticised needlessly.

2. * Honesty — there will be a clear indication if I have tried a product myself or if I have only heard or read about it. I will try to be accurate as much as I possibly can about any item posted. I am not paid or affiliated by or with anyone — this is and will remain a bit of fun.

3. * Communication — happy to be corrected and engage in any cheese related dialogue but I respectfully ask that this is civilised. I am an amateur and do not claim to be anything else.

The blog will be updated in the first week of every month so, if you want to stay in touch and get the latest updates — do follow me on Facebook or check back here regularly.

Any questions or comments email —

